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High-performance machines that power the world.

Solutions for a widerange of industries.

  • Separators HTToggle arrow
    Separators HT

    Making all your operations easier.

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  • Separator HT BELTToggle arrow
    Separator HT BELT

    High performance without losing quality.

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  • Grinder MOToggle arrow
    Grinder MO

    Eficacia, robustez y mantenimiento económico.

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  • Grinder MGToggle arrow
    Grinder MG

    Power and versatility for industry

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  • Grinder MSToggle arrow
    Grinder MS

    Higher quality grinding and separation.

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  • Mixer MTHToggle arrow
    Mixer MTH

    Greater mixing efficiency.

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  • Mixers MTToggle arrow
    Mixers MT

    Guaranteed higher quality mixing.

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  • Massager MASToggle arrow
    Massager MAS

    Improve the quality of the final product.

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  • Emulsifier EMToggle arrow
    Emulsifier EM

    Ensuring quality and productivity.

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  • Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger TSRToggle arrow
    Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger TSR

    Continuous flow heat exchanger.

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  • Pre-Breaker QPToggle arrow
    Pre-Breaker QP

    Functionality and durability in high performance.

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  • Breakers QD, QR, and QS LinesToggle arrow
    Breakers QD, QR, and QS Lines

    Functionality and durability in high performance.

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  • Colouring System STToggle arrow
    Colouring System ST

    Reduced losses and more uniform colouring.

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  • Pasteurizing System SPToggle arrow
    Pasteurizing System SP

    Optimize your production flow.

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  • Elevator EC and Lifting THToggle arrow
    Elevator EC and Lifting TH

    Ensuring resilience and safety for different heights.

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  • Pump BE, BP, and SBToggle arrow
    Pump BE, BP, and SB

    Streamline your project and operations.

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  • Conveyor TRH and ES LinesToggle arrow
    Conveyor TRH and ES Lines

    Improve your flow of operations.

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Hightech Tour

Hightech has invested in the construction of a modern and efficient testing laboratory. Customers can bring their products to process and check the results they want to achieve. This is the security and guarantee of results when purchasing a high-performance Hightech machine.